How a simple 'hello' can save your life

John worked in a meat-distribution centre. At the end of one working day, he went to the walk-in refrigerator to inspect something, but the door closed and he was locked inside.

Although he shouted and banged on the door with all his might, no one could hear him. Most workers had already gone home and outside the freezer, it was impossible to hear what was happening inside.

Five hours later, when John was already at death's door, someone opened the door. It was the security guard of the plant and this saved the life of John.

John asked the guard why he went to open the door, since it was not part of his routine work. The guard explained: "I have worked in this factory for 35 years. Hundreds of workers come and go every day, but you are the only one who greets me in the morning and says goodbye to me at night. The others treat me like I'm invisible. Today, like every day, you told me a simple 'hello' at the entrance, but I never heard 'til tomorrow'. I wait for your 'hello' and 'til tomorrow' every day. For you I am somebody. When I did not hear your farewell today, I knew something had happened ... I searched and found! "
